Brown Memorial Library


Welcome to the beautiful, historic Brown Memorial Library where new books are added to our shelves daily! Old and new are combined here to meet the current needs of our patrons in today's tech-savvy world, housed in a building designed by renowned architect John Calvin Stevens.

P.S. That is on the National Register of Historical Places!


We also proudly sponsor Maine authors!




In addition to our wonderful books, we offer:

  • Online computers with access to a printer (0.25 per black and white copy and color copy)
  • Black and white or color copies (0.25 per copy)
  • Faxing ($1.00 per page)
  • Laminating ($1.00 per page)
  • DVDs
  • E-books through Maine InfoNet Cloud Library (with your Brown Memorial Card)
  • (library version)
  • Local history information including: old yearbooks, town reports, vitals and gravestone records
  • Summer Reading Program (children ages 4 – 12)