
The Board of Selectmen serve as Assessors of the Town of Clinton.

The Board of Selectmen, by Town Charter Section 2.06 (c), may appoint a Certified Municipal Assessor as an Assessors' Agent to provide assistance to the Board, under contract.

The Assessors' Agent, by Town Charter Section 5.12, perform all duties and responsibilities provided for assessors under the laws of the State of Maine, Town Ordinance and Town Charter.


The Assessor is responsible for the following:

• Find and list all taxable and non-taxable property within the Town of Clinton
• Determine the valuation of all taxable and non-taxable property in the Town of Clinton (real estate and business personal property)
• Determine the exemption eligibility of qualifying properties in the Town of Clinton
• Prepare the Commitment Book showing valuation of all land, buildings, business
personal property, tax due on each account, veterans and exempt properties
• Commit taxes to the Tax Collector for collection
• Establish an acceptable level of assessment performance quality as prescribed by statute
• Conduct annual sales ratio studies
• Provide the Bureau of Taxation with complete Sales Analysis Return annually
• Review abatement requests and defend decisions before County Commissioners
• Provide the Bureau of Taxation with Municipal Valuation
• Physically inspect and inventory each real estate parcel and personal property account every four years
• Maintain current records regarding ownership and extent of taxation and maintenance of property tax maps
• Administer the homestead exemption